From the Blog


Hey there Grassrooters! I’m taking over for Dee today because I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to talk to you guys about the juicy gossip behind the scenes of GRASSROOTS. I’ve been working on the film and watching all the videos of Joel and Jason filming on location, and there is one thing I want to know more about… what’s up with these two and their Bro-mance? For those of you who haven’t heard this term before, let me walk you through it…

Bro·mance (noun)

1.     A very delicate science of two heterosexual men’s complicated love and affection toward each other.

However, the moment it’s pointed out… POOF! It disappears. You may be lucky enough to see a hug or a genuine “I love you, man” if you wait patently and pretend not to be paying attention, but for a woman to witness the act of the “Bro-mance” is a bit of a rarity. Unless you’re on the set with Joel David Moore and Jason Biggs, that is. Nope, their sexuality will NOT be threatened and they are not afraid to talk about the affection they have for each other, or even show it. Watching all of the entertaining, behind the scenes GRASSROOTS videos, it’s obvious these two lovebirds had a lot of fun making this film. Keep an eye out for a personal video from Joel David Moore when he “pranks” Jason Biggs in his hotel room during filming. It’s not so much the prank itself, but the reaction at the end that just makes me shake my head and smile.

A question for the ladies, has there ever been a “Bro-mance” that got a little too bro-mantic for you?

I’ll start.

I once dated a guy who tried to sell his shoes, and not just any pair of shoes, his brand new Sperry Top Siders. I guess they were too big so he wanted to sell them to his bbff (bromatic buddy for life… just coined that term, feel free to spread it…) who he knew was pining for the same pair (very adorable.), so the next time they met up he thought he’d surprise him with a great deal on some new shoes, but just as the words came out of his mouth he looked down to see his friend had the exact same pair of shoes already. You know they say when you’re a couple you start to dress alike, very sweet.

Now for the fellas, what is your sweetest bro-mance? Do you have a nickname for your special man? Before you get embarrassed, take time to look at the “Bro-mance” photo gallery with Joel and Jason for some inspiration and just know that you are not alone. Time to admit it, there’s no shame in the straight lovin’ between a man and his best bud.

Now, let’s hug it out, bro.

  1. Well Katie that is pretty funny. I know from a chick standpoint that there is nothing more silly and emasculating then watching two dudes act, women. Although I must say that we have been pushing for guys to “have feelings” “show some love” and “be more considerate.” I believe all these ideas have been thrown out over the course of history by us, for us, the women! Leave it to men to finally show their soft side, but to each other. Hello, McFly? I will say though that it does tickle my little heart to watch two grown men hug it out, be besties, and show the love.

  2. TJ Wright says:

    Why can’t a heterosexual guy tell a heterosexual guy that he thinks his booty is fly?

    haha nothing wrong with a little “bromance”, although i think that word is ridiculous!

    • Katie says:

      Great reference to the ultimate bro-mance, Jermaine and Bret from Flight of the Concords… No TJ, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a heterosexual guy telling another heterosexual guy that is booty is fly… as there is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing a little rhymenocerous vs hiphopopotamus rap battle : )

  3. Alicia Morgan says:

    Last night I watched a Millionaire Matchmaker where the Millionare took his date to a bar with all his bro’s because he can’t make a decision without their approval. Trust me, there was plenty of hooting, high fives and ass slapping involved.

    I’m down for bromances, but there’s a line guys.

  4. Brittany Carn says:

    Wow, Katie. I am so glad someone is finally bringing this up. I have been a third wheel to a heated bromance for quite some time now. My boyfriend and his roommate have been friends since high school. They do everything together: go shopping, cook dinner. Last night I got up from the couch to go get a glass of water, and his roommate swooped my spot and they began to spoon. I struggled to lift him away, but his body weight was just too much. I was left on the recliner to sulk alone watching Family Guy. I am happy they are such close friends, but don’t know when its just crossing the line.

    Tonight I asked to come over, but he said they needed some alone time. They share a room. Should I be worried?

    • Katie says:

      Brittany, I couldn’t feel for you more, however I try to look at it that you’re lucky to have a guy that is so full of love and compassion for someone… even though sometimes you wish the affection would be weighed a bit more in your way : ) It’s still a good thing for your man to have a bit of Bromance in his life I think….
      This made me think about the opposite effect… do you think guys get bugged by us girls and our “Broad-mances?” (Another term I coined… I’m aware it’s not 1940 anymore and movies come shades other then black, white and gray, so if you can think of a new term let me know) Is it possible the guys can get threatened by our Broadmances as well? That we put extra energy to that special gal pal? Another thing to think about….

  5. Hayley says:

    This is hilarious! I must agree – sometimes guys show their true bromantic sides – and sometimes they take it a little too far! I’m happy to let my guy have his bromances with a few of his close friends…as long as they don’t interfere with our relationship!

  6. Katie says:

    By the way guys, here’s the video I was talking about…!
    their laughter makes my heart go wheeeee!

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